Buying Happiness

Using Word2Vec to Turn Feelings Into Trades


Max Margenot

Lead Data Scientist at Quantopian

This presentation is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation for any security; nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advisory or other services by Quantopian, Inc. ("Quantopian"). Nothing contained herein constitutes investment advice or offers any opinion with respect to the suitability of any security, and any views expressed herein should not be taken as advice to buy, sell, or hold any security or as an endorsement of any security or company. In preparing the information contained herein, Quantopian, Inc. has not taken into account the investment needs, objectives, and financial circumstances of any particular investor. Any views expressed and data illustrated herein were prepared based upon information, believed to be reliable, available to Quantopian, Inc. at the time of publication. Quantopian makes no guarantees as to their accuracy or completeness. All information is subject to change and may quickly become unreliable for various reasons, including changes in market conditions or economic circumstances.


  • Me

Unstructured Data

Key source of "alpha"

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Computer science and linguistics tools to interpret human language and text

Allows us to quantify unstructured text

Data Processing

  • Stopwords
  • Stemming
  • Tokenization

Feature Generation

Bag of Words


In [13]:
my_phrases = ['Show me the alpha', 'Carthago delenda est',]
[phrase.split(' ') for phrase in my_phrases]
[['Show', 'me', 'the', 'alpha'], ['Carthago', 'delenda', 'est']]


In [10]:
[word for phrase 
 in my_phrases for word
     in zip(phrase.split(' ')[:-1], phrase.split(' ')[1:])]
[('Show', 'me'),
 ('me', 'the'),
 ('the', 'alpha'),
 ('Carthago', 'delenda'),
 ('delenda', 'est')]

Feature Generation

Word Embeddings

In [9]:
[ -1.89863455e+00  -1.54665136e+00  -2.23204970e+00  -1.30877733e+00
  -2.30061579e+00  -1.70134628e+00   1.83337653e+00  -2.08741140e+00
   3.23724604e+00   1.26184821e+00  -9.99662220e-01  -4.37552959e-01
   4.40503418e-01   1.19143569e+00  -2.29179478e+00  -1.86814177e+00
   3.11535645e+00   1.62474096e+00   2.66866231e+00   2.83645630e+00
  -1.28488052e+00   1.35040748e+00   1.01865172e+00  -4.80658680e-01
   4.23388511e-01  -1.65452003e+00   9.91536558e-01   2.40602851e+00
  -7.76076317e-01   1.94842303e+00   7.72831738e-01   7.38338292e-01
  -2.83442521e+00   6.60653114e-01   1.49878132e+00   6.51400387e-01
  -2.40639806e+00  -1.07167780e+00  -1.02165806e+00   9.60173905e-01
   2.21353650e+00  -1.42129743e+00  -9.27708030e-01  -3.88164580e-01
   1.46669912e+00   8.52385104e-01   5.12198329e-01  -4.31529015e-01
   2.94047624e-01   1.53495061e+00   2.58021164e+00  -5.14630191e-02
  -1.65423024e+00   1.98876739e+00  -3.05596733e+00   4.68582273e-01
  -7.30318785e-01  -2.12546796e-01   2.40485692e+00   2.02279878e+00
   1.17719293e+00   2.86357617e+00   7.22466826e-01   2.82972664e-01
  -7.58317888e-01   3.47945952e+00   3.73739266e+00   1.42169583e+00
  -7.90117681e-01   1.84042037e+00   1.98835433e+00   1.78161597e+00
   2.36412417e-03  -4.24685836e-01  -1.56673503e+00   1.27409828e+00
  -7.06087649e-01   5.39561808e-01  -2.57677864e-02  -2.28654718e+00
  -1.61694837e+00   1.12416410e+00   1.56511533e+00   9.97117162e-01
  -1.62680793e+00  -5.11504531e-01   2.35140419e+00   2.85187773e-02
   9.96020317e-01   2.01621875e-01  -2.27278137e+00  -8.56919646e-01
  -1.24364936e+00   1.93653297e+00  -1.74209273e+00  -2.66480112e+00
  -1.75437510e+00  -2.04358786e-01  -3.64142150e-01   2.14454412e+00]

Feature Generation

Word Embeddings

In [5]:
[('upset', 0.815515398979187),
 ('depress', 0.7984983921051025),
 ('bum', 0.7161489725112915),
 ('devast', 0.7080429792404175),
 ('disappoint', 0.6943762302398682),
 ('angri', 0.658515453338623),
 ('sadd', 0.6404643058776855),
 ('embarrass', 0.6364743709564209),
 ('gut', 0.6311415433883667),
 ('unhappi', 0.6310410499572754)]
In [243]:
plot_embedded_clusters(dim_red, clustered_wv_df.labels_, legend=[1, 8, 12, 32])
In [245]:
wv_df[clustered_wv_df.labels_ == 1].head()
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
disappoint -0.235032 -1.696048 -0.039209 -1.006235 -0.968943 0.117551 2.012763 -1.500448 0.371111 -0.103024 ... -1.867966 0.366410 -1.687534 1.776099 -0.001948 -0.942753 -0.323758 0.418799 0.703646 0.675984
annoy -0.509595 -0.234477 -0.105023 0.782759 -0.494718 1.529665 0.613385 -2.956682 1.914651 1.837232 ... 0.357051 -0.184894 -0.765359 0.194613 -0.089562 -0.790999 -0.715266 1.710391 -0.664831 0.446600
sad -1.898635 -1.546651 -2.232050 -1.308777 -2.300616 -1.701346 1.833377 -2.087411 3.237246 1.261848 ... -2.272781 -0.856920 -1.243649 1.936533 -1.742093 -2.664801 -1.754375 -0.204359 -0.364142 2.144544
upset -2.267228 -1.130764 -0.789428 -0.307305 -1.913559 -1.307800 1.678527 -2.597203 1.749868 -0.047062 ... -1.734596 0.064607 -2.011217 0.364249 -1.385140 -1.366344 -0.929015 0.583783 -0.106717 0.374008
depress -1.098669 -1.022491 -1.353772 -2.082869 -1.199755 -0.110646 1.156238 -0.887470 2.172702 0.714289 ... -0.327113 -0.025306 -0.187666 0.595404 0.282716 -2.097348 -0.750469 0.707328 -0.702710 1.245831

5 rows × 100 columns

The Data


Twitter sentiment dataset

My Approach

Logistic Regression with Bag of Words

Neural Network with Word Embeddings

Logistic Regression

\begin{eqnarray} g(X) &=& \alpha + \beta_0 X_0 + \cdots + \beta_n X_N \\ F(X) &=& \frac{1}{1 + e^{-g(X)}} \end{eqnarray}

Friendly, familiar linear model

Easy to interpret and understand

Logistic Regression Coefficients



Logistic Regression Accuracy

Logistic Regression Accuracy

Neural Networks

Neural Network

Neural Networks

Neural Network

Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Network

Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent neural networks good for text processing

View sentences as sequences of words (similar to time series structure)

Long Short-term Memory Networks

Long Short-term Memory Network

Long Short-term Memory Networks

In Keras this is simple to implement

In [ ]:
input_layer = Input(shape=(MAX_WORDS,))
embedding_layer = Embedding(max_features+1,
lstm_layer = LSTM(64,
lstm_layer = LSTM(128,
output = Dense(1,


Neural Network Training

How to Compute A Signal?

Hypothesis: POTUS's tweets affect the market


  • Trump2Cash:
    • Waits for the president to mention publicly-traded companies
    • Uses sentiment analysis to determine positivity or negativity
    • Enters long or short positions based on sentiment
  • BOTUS:
    • Waits for the president to mention publicly-traded companies
    • Uses sentiment analysis to determine positivity or negativity
    • Enters long or short positions based on sentiment

Factor Models


$$ r_p = \alpha + \beta_{m} r_{m} $$

Fama-French Factors

$$ r_p = \alpha + \beta_{m} r_{m} + \beta_{hml} r_{hml} + \beta_{smb} r_{smb} $$

Alternative Factors

$$ r_p = \alpha + \beta_0 r_0 + \cdots + \beta_n r_n $$

Risk Modeling

Risk Modeling

Cross-sectional Equity Portfolios

Mean Return Buckets

Average Sentiment Each Day

Sentiment Score

Sentiment Exposure Signal

Mean Return Buckets

Sentiment Exposure Signal

Cumulative Returns

Sentiment Exposure Signal

Cumulative Return Buckets

Performance Attribution

Risk Exposures

Performance Attribution

Common and Specific Returns

Performance Attribution

Common and Specific Returns

Possible Improvements

Sentiment Model

  • Lemmatization instead of Stemming
  • Sense2Vec

The Signal

  • Change of maximum character count in tweets
  • More sophisticated factor than beta exposure to sentiment
  • Perhaps using it as a pure risk factor rather than an alpha factor



  • Go, A., Bhayani, R. and Huang, L., 2009. Twitter sentiment classification using distant supervision. CS224N Project Report, Stanford, 1(2009), p.12.





This presentation is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation for any security; nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advisory or other services by Quantopian, Inc. ("Quantopian"). Nothing contained herein constitutes investment advice or offers any opinion with respect to the suitability of any security, and any views expressed herein should not be taken as advice to buy, sell, or hold any security or as an endorsement of any security or company. In preparing the information contained herein, Quantopian, Inc. has not taken into account the investment needs, objectives, and financial circumstances of any particular investor. Any views expressed and data illustrated herein were prepared based upon information, believed to be reliable, available to Quantopian, Inc. at the time of publication. Quantopian makes no guarantees as to their accuracy or completeness. All information is subject to change and may quickly become unreliable for various reasons, including changes in market conditions or economic circumstances.